press pass required?

A friend of mine and I are thinking of making a documentary over the summer, about how punk bands stand politically. It's just another chance for them to speak out for what they believe in, because many of them have interesting things to say and no one listens to them. We are going to be e-mailing a bunch of bands soon to see if they'd be interested in participating. If they are interested, would I have to apply for a press pass (I would also like to film a song or two live so that I'm not preaching the whole time)? If so, does anyone know of any place in Connecticut where I could get one?
Thanks in advance.
I'm sure if the bands are down, and are performing live somewhere, and they have given you consent, you won't need one. I know im going to get into 21+ clubs(in a few days) free and underage just to film this rapper(not my style music, but it pays!).
There's a lot of variables here ... 1) the popularity of the band will play a factor; 2) the size of the event; 3) the organizer of the event; 4) the band's management.

If you are dealing with a small band, the chances are that you will be able to get access through them. The same holds true if you deal with a band's manager (if they have one) rather than the band members themselves. If you go the route of applying for press passes through the event organizers the availability of passes to freelancers will be limited depending on the size of the event - the bigger the event, the more press will want to be there, thus taking passes away from freelancers.

I think your best bet is to get the passes through the band's management ... just be sure to sell them thorugh the abgle of how this will help with band exposure.
