• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.


Hey, please check out my indiegogo campaign for my film pOrtal and either contribute or spread the word please. I am attempting to raise money that will allow me to buy the equipment that I will need to shoot this and any other future shorts. I currently don't have any type of media to showcase the project so I used a stock photo as the promotion media. I have decided to take some advice from you guys and stop asking and start doing. I have been hitting up craigslist lately trying to find some gigs and gain some experience.
Here is the link: http://www.indiegogo.com/Portal-A-Short-Film?a=201380&i=addr
Every dollar helps :)
Saw your post, and liked the short description you posted on the indiegogo site. I would be willing to help you edit the film, I have a number of editing programs that will probably suit your needs. I am new to most of this just like you, and so I would love to gain some experience with someone who is close to my own level. Please feel free to contact me, and best of luck.