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watch Plugging my film

Hi everyone, I made a film and i wanted to have the eclectic readership of this forum to take a look at it. there is a short version and a complete feature version. the links are below. I can't present them as links as my account is too new. please copy the links to watch the film

Feature: http://blip.tv/file/1618438

Short: http://blip.tv/file/1617689

I hope you like the film and tell your friends about it if you do.

Best regards,
:welcome: Aveek

Just watched the short. Liked it for the most part, pretty good acting especially from Francisco.
I really liked the first 2/3 of the short then you lost me at the end. It went from a Tarantino type feel to a Lifetime movie feel. Maybe it's different in the feature.

I probably would've used the fade outs a little less also.

All in all, good job.

Why did you decide in B&W? and What camera did you use?
Hey, I think your actors did a really good job, that was some grade A effort.

I think what is lacking is the script. There is a huge dead spot in the middle after the dude leaves for the ATM. The two are just talking. No story development. Tighten that shit up, make every frame count. People's attention spans are a lot shorter than you think.

Also, work a little bit on your camera technique. The first part would have worked well as a hook, but the camera work was so amateur I couldn't help having a poor opinion from the start.

The ending did not work for me at all, haha. I mean, comon, two roommates just were robbed and came oh so close to being dead. And then they have a passionate, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" session. You go from violent gangster to gay melodrama.

Finally, your two main characters are passive. They never actively push the plot. Things just happen to them. It would have turned into an engaging short film immediately if the gay character escaped at the ATM, and then went back to save his buddy. But instead, he just moped back and got yelled at just like he had been for the last 7 minutes. Think of Funny Games, which this film reminded me a lot of. How many times did they go and try to save themselves? Or hell, even stood up for themselves somewhat. You know, a little conflict.

Final thoughts: I just watched the short version of your feature.... and it's still too long. The scenes go on forever with little or no conflict. Watching a thug berate a dude I don't know can only be entertaining for so long (one minute) and even then, I've seen it before, done better. When you go about writing your next film, focus on boiling your story down to the essentials. Read a screenwriting book, get the basics down. Load your scenes with conflict.
thanks for the replies

many thanks for watching and for the replies. now here is the thing. i agree with you guys regarding teh short. however, you have to understand that this was not meant to be a short film, the story was written to be a feature. if you watch the feature, then everything will make sense. the dead spots are there, because other things happen, which make sense in the context of the feature, but would not make sense in the short, so i had to take stuff out. so if you guys want to, please see the feature and give me your comments on that.

I really do thank you for the comments. It only reinforces the fears i had regarding the strength of the short. But not much i can really do about it. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take the time to watch the feature. it's worth it. i've shown it publicly three times and the response has been fantastic, so please watch the feature

and if anybody knows, how i can get this feature into any festivals, let me know.

Why black and white: i didn't have a dp, and i feel that with b&w i'm able to hide some of the obvious faults.

best regards,
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