archived-videos Please review my short film 'The Realtor' Dark Comedy

Hello everyone. I finally encoded the full version for my
short 'The Realtor', you can find out more info, see the trailer,
and get behind the scenes info at

'The Realtor' Full Version - 8mins

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Please answer the following questions about the film 'The Realtor'.
Please be honest. Constructive criticism helps the producer in the

1. What did you think of the story?

2. What are your thoughts about the acting?

3. What are your thoughts about the character development arch
of 'THE REALTOR'? Did you like or dislike his character?

4. The Producer's target market for the short is more geared toward
adults (Adults 25-55+) because older people tend to understand where
the The Realtor is coming from. Older people understand his 'used
car salesman' tactics and how people can relate to it happening to
them from their own experiences. This what makes the film funny and
what makes it a dark comedy. Do you agree/disagree with this
statement? Why/why not

5. Did you find the film funny? Why/why not?

6. Which scenes were your favorite and least favorite and why?
What scenes do you think worked the most and which didn't work?

7. What did you think about the technical aspects of the film?
A. The Cinematography
B. Editing
C. Audio Editing / Music
D. Visual Effects (Realtor's face, Logo replacement, color
correction, truck smashing)

8. What do you think of the pacing of the film? Is it too short,
too long?

9. Do you have any other comments or suggestions about the movie?

10. Would you like to see a series of shorts / episodes based on the
Realtor's character? Why/why not?

Thanks a lot!

-Ryan Spevack
Zero One Entertainment
Upvote 0
Ok! wow long questionairre!!!

1. The story: The story was ok but I found it a bit unbalanced. The beginning could have been set up a bit better and there were a few too many pop-up characters that the audience weren't given enough time to associate with (e.g. the door man - he could have been a great catalyst for the story). I wasn't overly keen on some of the dialogue... Did you really need some-one from the matrix to walk in with a shotgun and blow his head off?

2. The Acting: I thought the guy who played the realtor was an excellent character and he played the part really well. His mannerisms were very comical! The husband and the wife were not so convincing. And not really at any time was I drawn into their predicament or situation. I found the husband slighly alienating through his tonality on certain bits of dialogue and some of it seemed slightly over theatrical (given that they were supposed to be the normal of the characters).

3. Character: Like i said, the realtor was a great character. interesting, captivating, and funny. He's completely dislikable! One of those typical types of salesment that everyone loves to hate! fantastic.

4. Choice of Market: Yes I agree, any lower and people woudn't get it. Good age aim.

5. To laugh or not to laugh, that is the question Well you all know there's different types of comedy: comedy of circumstance, comedy of character, comedy of language. Character was funny - the character of the realtor was good. Language? not really any gags from that. Situation? Yea! funny. The shot in the room where the realtor turns into 'satan' good!

6. Favourite and Least Realtor scene best. Least - man with the shotgun... thought it wasn't really needed.

7a: Cinematography: Good cinematography. Not bad creative lighting for the 'i am satan' scene with the realtor. Perhaps some of the compositions were not to my taste and some shots could have been more character driven. There were a few situations where the character were not given space to look into. (first car scene)
b: Editing: Overall - good. Found some shots dragged and some of the bits where I thought it would cut didn't cut etc... timing factor. There were a few bits in the realtor's office where the cuts went slightly disjointed... for example cutting from a head shot of the man to a head shot of the woman. to similar shots that look slightly cold.
c: Audio / Music Music was good, suited the film. Was that a church song in the car? Loved the music for the credit sequence... good match comedy. Great with the realtor 'sign damn you sign' witchcraft tribal track! Nice! next: Audio, hums, rough cuts, wind noise. Yea the audio dialogue wise could have been better! The inside stuff was good though! But the bit just outside the realtor office was very noisey.
d: visual effects Good! loved the truck smashing through him! ;) Very cleverly done!

8. Pacing? Well... bit too long in certain bits... and like I said at the top, the story was a bit unbalanced. But the bits that you got just right were just right!

9. Further Comments? Weldone!

10. Potential for more? Definately.
My two cents for what it's worth.


1. What did you think of the story?
I think the story was interesting, although slightly incomplete in the sense that I did not have a clue that a melt down was coming and I assume that the hit man was hired by some other buyers that were forced at gunpoint to sign the lease.

2. What are your thoughts about the acting?
The acting was average, with a piece like you were doing I feel it’s more of “did you notice the acting” which I didn’t. I was sucked into finding out what was going to happen but no one really stood out for me as good or bad.

3. What are your thoughts about the character development arch
of 'THE REALTOR'? Did you like or dislike his character?

As I stated earlier I didn’t have enough to really view an arc per say, but I definitely didn’t like him.

4. The Producer's target market for the short is more geared toward
adults (Adults 25-55+) because older people tend to understand where
the Realtor is coming from. Older people understand his 'used
car salesman' tactics and how people can relate to it happening to
them from their own experiences. This what makes the film funny and
what makes it a dark comedy. Do you agree/disagree with this
statement? Why/why not

I agree that older people will identify with his used car tactics but the audience that it will appeal to because of the humor style will be younger.

5. Did you find the film funny? Why/why not?

I found the film funny, but I wished if you were going to go with the slapstick humor style that you should have held it all the way through the piece.

6. Which scenes were your favorite and least favorite and why?
What scenes do you think worked the most and which didn't work?

I enjoyed the opening and closing sequences, they were original and funny. My least favorite was the slapstick with the security guard; I was expecting more of a payoff.

7. What did you think about the technical aspects of the film?
A. The Cinematography
Inconsistent, but very watch able

B. Editing

C. Audio Editing / Music
I liked the music, and I didn’t notice any bad sound edits.

D. Visual Effects (Realtor's face, Logo replacement, color
correction, truck smashing)

The Visual effects were very good especially the Realtor’s face.

8. What do you think of the pacing of the film? Is it too short,
too long?
It was the right length

9. Do you have any other comments or suggestions about the movie?

10. Would you like to see a series of shorts / episodes based on the
Realtor's character? Why/why not

I would be interested in more if we got to know the realtor a little better, maybe something that deals with the development of “The Realtor” how he became.
zeroone said:
1. What did you think of the story?

It's a good idea. I like the idea of the story, but unfortunately I felt the story was chopped up. In fact, this should have been two shorts: 1) Husband and Wife try to dupe The Realtor out of the free meals. 2) Husband and Wife hire The Hitman to kill The Realtor and get the Free Meal Coupons. Both stories didn't seem fleshed out.

zeroone said:
2. What are your thoughts about the acting?

The husband was stiff and overacting. The wife was okay. The security guard was down right over the top, and not in a good way. The realtor was convincing, but too silly.

zeroone said:
3. What are your thoughts about the character development arch of 'THE REALTOR'? Did you like or dislike his character?

I didn't like his character, and I didn't really percieve an arc persay. He was high strung from beginning to end.

zeroone said:
4. The Producer's target market for the short is more geared toward adults (Adults 25-55+) because older people tend to understand where the The Realtor is coming from. Older people understand his 'used car salesman' tactics and how people can relate to it happening to them from their own experiences. This what makes the film funny and what makes it a dark comedy. Do you agree/disagree with this
statement? Why/why not

Actually, I'd think most 25-55+ Adults would find the wacky humor childish. And I don't really consider it a dark comedy. A rage filled tyrade and a bloody shotgun blast does not a dark comedy make. The rest of the piece is far too slapstick to let it be considered a dark comedy, in my opinion.

zeroone said:
5. Did you find the film funny? Why/why not?

Yes, and no. When it started, I was thinking it might be funny (the flyers made me laugh, and I liked the slo-mo head whip), but I started to get irritated at the general wackiness of the entire movie. Also, I went in gearing up for some dark humor and as I stated before, I didn't find that.

zeroone said:
6. Which scenes were your favorite and least favorite and why? What scenes do you think worked the most and which didn't work?

The opening and closing sequence were well concieved.

zeroone said:
7. What did you think about the technical aspects of the film?
A. The Cinematography

Serviceable. I didn't like it that on close ups the camera operator was desperately trying to keep the realtor in frame. Just let him whip his head around and go in and out of frame, that would look a lot better than an unsteady camera.

zeroone said:
B. Editing

I really liked the flashbacks of him showing the house, other than that I thought it was a pretty good job.

zeroone said:
C. Audio Editing / Music

Music was good. I kept waiting for "Raindrops keep falling on my head ..." during the closing credits.

zeroone said:
D. Visual Effects (Realtor's face, Logo replacement, color correction, truck smashing)

It's hard to do the truck thing on a low budget. I would have found it funnier if it wasn't a digital effect and you guys had used a dummy or something to get run over.

zeroone said:
8. What do you think of the pacing of the film? Is it too short, too long?

Not too short or long, but take some of the end stuff out and add some more to the husband and wife's story and it would be better.

zeroone said:
9. Do you have any other comments or suggestions about the movie?

Refer to question 1. The hitman at the end is just distracting, to me.

zeroone said:
10. Would you like to see a series of shorts / episodes based on the Realtor's character? Why/why not?

Sure, just do away with the security guard, and work on doing one story at a time.
