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Please Help Create an Experimental Online Film Project

Film by Democracy is an independent experiment where the audience develops a series that they would like to watch.

It's free and open to anyone.

From story, characters, title, cast and soundtrack, we'll literally be making it up as we go, via votes, surveys, discussions and creative submissions.

The whole process will be open and democratic. Whatever we create will be freely available to view online.

Drama? Romance? Horror? Musical? Sci-Fi?...

VOTE NOW @ www.filmbydemocracy.com
I see no one is interested.
I tried your idea many times in the past and it don't work. It's really a shame, but it always comes down to not having enough time. Most people have to earn a living and very little time left to be involved in something like this.

However, keep on trying and maybe you will find enough people around to participate. Count me in, keep me posted what you have in mind.