Need your guys' and girls' ideas on how to shoot the following scene:
A girl is reading a book on the sofa. A sock (don't ask.. its a comedy/suspence short), that earlier came to life, holds a knife, and slits her throat.
I want to shoot acress and a sock in one frame, where sock is fully visible.
My idea was to have a "sock puppitier" to wear a white sock on his hand, and "move it". Then shoot exactly the same frame, without "sock puppitier" in the frame, and in after effects mask the actors arm out. Then i can overlay two footages..
OR would it be easier to shoot with a green screen, and remove the green in after effects?
A girl is reading a book on the sofa. A sock (don't ask.. its a comedy/suspence short), that earlier came to life, holds a knife, and slits her throat.
I want to shoot acress and a sock in one frame, where sock is fully visible.
My idea was to have a "sock puppitier" to wear a white sock on his hand, and "move it". Then shoot exactly the same frame, without "sock puppitier" in the frame, and in after effects mask the actors arm out. Then i can overlay two footages..
OR would it be easier to shoot with a green screen, and remove the green in after effects?