Pete Davidson and Jason Orley are reuniting for “I Slept with Joey Ramone,” Netflix’s upcoming biopic about the life of the frontman for iconic punk band The Ramones. Netflix announced on Thursday that Orley, who made his directorial debut with 2019’s Davidson-led “Big Time Adolescence,” will direct the upcoming film. The duo serve as writers on the project, which is based on the Mickey Leigh memoir of the same name. The film is a collaboration between Netflix and STXfilms, both of which will develop and produce the biopic.
“When you share a bed with someone — and not just a bed, but a childhood, a family, and a lifetime — you know that person better than anybody else. Mickey Leigh not only collaborated with his big brother’s band – he has irreplaceable memories of and insights into Joey Ramone, having supported him when no one else would and witnessed him overcome adversity in the most dramatic way,” STXfilms chairman Adam Fogelson said in a statement. “‘I Slept with Joey Ramone’ is a great rock anthem that will make an equally great rock biopic, set apart by a universal story of family. Pete is perfect for this role and we’re excited he and Jason will be bringing this icon of rock to life and thrilled to be collaborating once again with our friends at Netflix.”
The film will be made with the cooperation and support of the Estate of Joey Ramone and with the assistance of Rosegarten Films. Orley also directed Davidson’s standup special “Pete Davidson: Alive from New York” for Netflix. “I Slept with Joey Ramone” continues Netflix’s relationship with STX, which produced the Netflix series “Rise of Empire: Ottoman,” which is produced in collaboration with Karga 7. The companies have previously partnered on other films such as “Work It,” starring Sabrina Carpenter.
“I Slept with Joey Ramone” serves as Davidson’s latest push into the theatrical space. The “Saturday Night Live” comedian has starred in a variety of recent films, including “The Dirt” and “The King of Staten Island,” the latter of which was a semi-biographical take on Davidson’s life. He is also slated to appear in WarnerMedia’s upcoming “The Suicide Squad.”
“When you share a bed with someone — and not just a bed, but a childhood, a family, and a lifetime — you know that person better than anybody else. Mickey Leigh not only collaborated with his big brother’s band – he has irreplaceable memories of and insights into Joey Ramone, having supported him when no one else would and witnessed him overcome adversity in the most dramatic way,” STXfilms chairman Adam Fogelson said in a statement. “‘I Slept with Joey Ramone’ is a great rock anthem that will make an equally great rock biopic, set apart by a universal story of family. Pete is perfect for this role and we’re excited he and Jason will be bringing this icon of rock to life and thrilled to be collaborating once again with our friends at Netflix.”
The film will be made with the cooperation and support of the Estate of Joey Ramone and with the assistance of Rosegarten Films. Orley also directed Davidson’s standup special “Pete Davidson: Alive from New York” for Netflix. “I Slept with Joey Ramone” continues Netflix’s relationship with STX, which produced the Netflix series “Rise of Empire: Ottoman,” which is produced in collaboration with Karga 7. The companies have previously partnered on other films such as “Work It,” starring Sabrina Carpenter.
“I Slept with Joey Ramone” serves as Davidson’s latest push into the theatrical space. The “Saturday Night Live” comedian has starred in a variety of recent films, including “The Dirt” and “The King of Staten Island,” the latter of which was a semi-biographical take on Davidson’s life. He is also slated to appear in WarnerMedia’s upcoming “The Suicide Squad.”