archived-videos Personal Services

Hello everyone!

Its been a good day for me today as i have just found out that its possible to upload films on for free! Which is a big improvement from the whopping $200 a year that they used to charge.

Anyway i have uploaded "Personal Services" which was the first film i ever made and filmed at the Northern Theatre Company (in Hull) where we learnt the art of the actor. Personal Services is a coming of age drama about a young college virgin thinks he has the place to himself so he plucks up the courage to answer a sex advert but later realises that the place is not as it seems...

My old mentor/drama teacher Sadie Ellerby is in the cast as the lady with the wig and one of my old buddies Dave McCloud.

Personal Services can be seen on

Previously was shown at the Hull International Short Film Festival 2003.

Please do tell me what you think...
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I know i am not actually in the film but that should not really be an issue, i was still the director.

Please can someone check out the film because i have had absolutely no reviews anywhere!