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PDXtreme – Portland Underground Film Fest!

Hello Indie Talk community!

Announcing PDXtreme – Portland Underground Film Fest!

From the twisted mind behind the short film Heels (https://www.facebook.com/HeelsTheFilm) comes a new festival looking to make a big splash in the horror scene.
The PDXtreme Film Fest is determined to be the best damn genre festival Portland Oregon has ever seen! Taking place over 3 days at the historic Academy Theater, we'll be showcasing horror, crime, dark comedy, and everything in-between. Tales of the grotesque, the limits of the psychological, and bumps in the night whatever the cause! Does it take place in space? That's cool too.
This is our first year, but that's all the more reason to get in on the ground floor. Before we realize how expensive it is to treat all attending filmmakers to free beer. And you don't have to worry about us filling the schedule with Hollywood films, because we certainly can't afford those.
We do promise a rollicking good time and a slate packed with great films. We can't do that without the filmmakers, so submit your films now! International films accepted. Diversity and originality are not only welcome, but encouraged. Absolutely no ratings restrictions.
The actual physical prize has yet to be determined. But there will be definitely be award categories, with actual nominations. All nominated films will be listed at the time of the final notification date.
We’ve been accepting submissions since February and, just to set the tone, we have announced a small percentage of early submissions. These include:

“The Herd” dir. Melanie Light- “Imprisoned within inhuman squalor with other women. Paula's existence and human function is abused as a resource by her captors. Escape, on any level, is hopeless as the women are condemned to a life of enforced servitude at the whims of their imprisoners for one reason only - their milk.” From IMDB

“I Am Monster” dirs. Shannon Lark, Lori Bowen- “Vivienne's extraordinary fetishism has taken her to a new level: necrophilia. She gets her kicks by violating the dead in a hospital morgue on the outskirts of Los Angeles, discarding them like trash. Tonight, however, Vivienne gets a whole new taste of what the dead can provide when she meets Jason, a fresh body who has some ideas of his own.” From IMDB

“Another Man’s Teeth” dir. Manuel Ortega Lasaga- It’s a weird, gory and surreal short film from Spain with a definite Bava, Fulci feel.

You can submit through Film Freeway- https://filmfreeway.com/festival/PDXtremePortlandUndergroundFilmFest
WithoutaBox- http://www.withoutabox.com/login/13937 or even Festhome - www.festhome.com .
If you enter through Film Freeway use discount code: IndieTalk for 15% off until the end of April. Use it yourself or tell your friends!

And if you’re worried your film is too extreme for even PDXtreme message me for a password to a private link for “Heels”. It's got a dick...in a shoe.