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watch Paper Trail - HUGE LIGHTSABER DUEL!

quick question, what do you use to create that quick flash when the sabers hit? I'm sure it's a really simple effect.
All the effects were created in FX home. My production partner is currently working on remastering the film in high-definition. If you pay close attention, the ends of the sabers don't have round tips and it's something that has always bothered me. We're working on recutting the beginning so the pace isn't as plodding either. Stay tuned!
I've been looking into FX Home but haven't decided if I need it yet, I currently use Particle Illusion and After Effects, but can't figure out how to get that flash that's created when the sabers hit each other. BTW, the video was really cool, I liked how you moved the camera with the action as it moved laterally instead of simply having a stationary camera.
Thanks for the kind words. In my opinion, if you use After FX already, you won't need FX Home. I made this two years ago so I don't really remember specifically how I did the flash. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any more assistance.
OK thanks for the advice, wasn't sure if FXhome was easier to use than After Effects. It took me a long time to even try out After Effects, but once I got into it and bought a couple of tutorials, I got hooked onto it and think it's great. I'll figure out the flash, like I said, I know it's a simple effect.
In some cases, those types of simple fx can be done in Sony Vegas, which is the program I used to edit the film. What do you use to edit?
Vegas also, but to be honest, I've never used the Vegas effects other than for transitions. I can't figure out if it's a whole screen flash, or if you put the flash simply at the point of impact, it looks like a whole screen flash. I've done some pretty good light saber scenes with my kids, but I'm missing that cool impact flash, can you tell me what effect you use in Vegas?
The flash effect from this particular short is done in FX Home at the point of impact. A lot of other FX that involve masking can be done in Vegas but rotoscoping and impact flashes are better if done in After FX or FX Home.
Thanks, after watching it a few times, I saw what I was looking for and realized how simple of an effect it really is. I'm one of those weirdos that actually like rotoscoping, but of course I'm always up for an easier way to do it. :) A friend of mine tells me I need to purchase one of those PC pen/tablet things to make tracing easier than a mouse, makes sense to me.
Cool! I'm glad you found out how to do it! I do indeed find you to be a weirdo that you like to rotoscope. After my first experience with rotoscoping this flick under a deadline limit of a weekend, I swore if I ever needed to do a sequel (which is in the works), I'd hire someone to do it for me.

I've also learned a bunch from this shooting experience. I had no filming experience when I made this film so all the continuity problems are very evident. From the multiple to zero cars in the driveway, the bike behind the car, the kids in the trees, the amount of snow, etc. Anyway, good luck with your stuff!
Well, if you need some additional work in the future, look me up, I'm more interested in adding to my reel and gaining experience than I am making a profit since I have a full time job, but a little bone thrown at me to reinvest in my business is always appreciated. I'm flexible on price at this point in time. As for the continuity problems, hey, I kinda gotta kick out of it, but like you said, you learned from it. I learn something from every project I do. I'm not into the filming thing, I'd rather leave that up to someone else, I prefer sticking to VFX, so if you want to partner up on a project at some point, let me know.