Panasonic DVX100b help

Hi all,

I just bought a Panasonic DVX100b and am trying to teach myself as much about it as possibly, so forgive me if I'm constantly posting questions that I'm sure have been asked a thousand times before.

I've been reading up on using 24p vs. 30p, and was wondering what the consensus here is?

I'm currently shooting a short project for someone else, that I will likely not edit and will not be transferred to film.

I've read that if you aren't at all familiar with 24p, trying to teach yourself while filming is a bad idea, and you'll get very confused. And many have said that 30p is almost as good, and poses no difficulties in editing.

But since there's very little chance that I'll end up editing this myself, should I not worry about that, and leave it to the editor to deal with editing in 24p?

Also, I'm gearing up to shoot a short scene tomorrow that I know will mostly be in slow motion. When I've shot my own amateur projects in the past, I've basically done everything in post.

But would there be an advantage to filming in slow motion with the camera? Would it look better? Can anyone tell me what settings I would use to do this, and how I would know if it was slow/fast enough?

Any help would be much, much appreciated.


A newbie
In my opinion, shooting interlaced and converting the 60 fields to 60 frames yields the best quality slow motion if you are going to 50% speed. Otherwise, use 30p and the best software you can find for interpolating frames.