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watch our vfx show reel

Nice looking reel. Mind if I ask what you do? Are you self taught, animation student, hobbyist, group of people, students, professionals? Its not very clear hiding behind the "Fiscon films" tag.

What i'd do If I were you, is cut it down to the best stuff.

Why show the same set extention (the desert one) three times? (one with a chair, one standing, etc). Cut that down to the most interesting one.

The logo animation thing in the middle is well done, but not really fitting in a vfx reel, so lose it. I know it's tough to throw out things that you worked hard on, but you got watch critically from the point of the viewer. Its a vfx reel, they want to see vfx, not 2d animation.

Basically what I can see from viewing it twice is that you'v got 3 major elements in there, the greenscreen work, which is very good. Kudos for that stuff. Then you'v got the CG into live action stuff with the big cyclops and flying spaceships. Some of the shots are quite nice but there's quite some variation in the quality, and then the full CG animations.

As for the animation sequences. It shows you can do nice human animation and interaction animation, so that's good. But the render quality isn't really there. Looks a bit too video-gamey. If you could do a serious render of that, with a proper lighting setup and some quality render settings, It'd show off the animation much better. It'd probably also show the relatively low quality of the environment much better, but thats why you can use motion blur and dof.

The cyclops stuff: 1.21 the background cyclops is significantly bigger than the foreground ones, yet they are identical... Kinda bums you out especially because they move pretty much identically too. The shot on 1.10 is quite an effective shot but its very obviously greenscreened: The footage is quite soft, and the CG behind it is sharp as crysal. Try to add in DOF in your cg rendering. Rendering DOF directly is often a bad idea (slooow) but if you render an additional z-depth pass out of your 3d app you can create some great dof inside your compositing package. Also, the grade of the footage doesn't match the comps.

The last shot was probably technically the best and most complicated shot. So you want to have that as your first shot. Grab the attention. The only thing I dislike about it is the excessive grade. If you're making a vfx reel, focus on the vfx: keep the grades simple, let the work speak for itself.

Keep it up :)
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Nice looking reel. Mind if I ask what you do? Are you self taught, animation student, hobbyist, group of people, students, professionals? Its not very clear hiding behind the "Fiscon films" tag.

What i'd do If I were you, is cut it down to the best stuff.

Why show the same set extention (the desert one) three times? (one with a chair, one standing, etc). Cut that down to the most interesting one.

The logo animation thing in the middle is well done, but not really fitting in a vfx reel, so lose it. I know it's tough to throw out things that you worked hard on, but you got watch critically from the point of the viewer. Its a vfx reel, they want to see vfx, not 2d animation.

Basically what I can see from viewing it twice is that you'v got 3 major elements in there, the greenscreen work, which is very good. Kudos for that stuff. Then you'v got the CG into live action stuff with the big cyclops and flying spaceships. Some of the shots are quite nice but there's quite some variation in the quality, and then the full CG animations.

As for the animation sequences. It shows you can do nice human animation and interaction animation, so that's good. But the render quality isn't really there. Looks a bit too video-gamey. If you could do a serious render of that, with a proper lighting setup and some quality render settings, It'd show off the animation much better. It'd probably also show the relatively low quality of the environment much better, but thats why you can use motion blur and dof.

The cyclops stuff: 1.21 the background cyclops is significantly bigger than the foreground ones, yet they are identical... Kinda bums you out especially because they move pretty much identically too. The shot on 1.10 is quite an effective shot but its very obviously greenscreened: The footage is quite soft, and the CG behind it is sharp as crysal. Try to add in DOF in your cg rendering. Rendering DOF directly is often a bad idea (slooow) but if you render an additional z-depth pass out of your 3d app you can create some great dof inside your compositing package. Also, the grade of the footage doesn't match the comps.

The last shot was probably technically the best and most complicated shot. So you want to have that as your first shot. Grab the attention. The only thing I dislike about it is the excessive grade. If you're making a vfx reel, focus on the vfx: keep the grades simple, let the work speak for itself.

Keep it up :)

thanks for the insight really appreciate. we are a group of people with low end systems in a third world country, who love vfx, movies and animations. and yes we are self thought. the quality of the render is bad cos of our systems, due to render time we had to reduce the quality. and most of ur points were notice. though we're getting some bad ass work stations, so expect so cool CGI, on our next job. and thanks again
Hey not bad, I can imagine its difficult with a realy bad system to do what you are doing here. Some things I would point out:

Not every shot needs a breakdown, anyone who knows film and vfx knows what you have done. So simple key shots dont need a breakdown.

The best shot imo was at the end, put that at the start.

VFX wise some shots needed more done in comp. Example there is a shot with giant statue guys and some spaceships fly in. The spaceships have no depth because there black levels dont change. I found this a problem through the whole reel that black levels were not correct. Use points in the live footage to match the black level of cg and live footage, this will help a lot.

Good luck.
Hey not bad, I can imagine its difficult with a realy bad system to do what you are doing here. Some things I would point out:

Not every shot needs a breakdown, anyone who knows film and vfx knows what you have done. So simple key shots dont need a breakdown.

The best shot imo was at the end, put that at the start.

VFX wise some shots needed more done in comp. Example there is a shot with giant statue guys and some spaceships fly in. The spaceships have no depth because there black levels dont change. I found this a problem through the whole reel that black levels were not correct. Use points in the live footage to match the black level of cg and live footage, this will help a lot.

Good luck.

thanks yo! noted!
I really like how you use a green cloth to get things done. In stead of complaining you don't have a real studio, just go ahead and do it! :-)

A lot has already been said.
It looks very promising and a million times better than I can do.
Keep it up and it will just get better and better!

What software do you use?
And did you do both modeling and animation?
we use 3ds max, photoshop, after effects, premiere, with some other third party softwares. and yes we did the modeling and animations our selfs