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watch OSCILLATOR.....SCI-FI Thriller!



A lone British scientist working in his Brooklyn, NY lab, tunes in to some strange radio signals on his ham radio station one cold night in January 2009. After conferring with fellow radio operators and fellow scientists worldwide as to the source of these signals and finding no explanations, his involvement begins. Baffled as to the source or reason behind the signals, he embarks on a journey taking him to what at times seems like other mental and physical dimensions.
He discovers and reasons that these are offshoots of a more intriguing and complex phenomena. He discovers that extraterrestrial intelligent beings from afar are superimposing radio signals on electromagnetic waves of light and beaming them to Planet Earth. The shocking fact is that this has been going on for eons, with many erroneous results. These errors resulted not at the hand of the Intelligent beings, but by humans.
The audience is taken on a journey through space-time with shocking results that will generate and stimulate controversy worldwide.


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