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watch Opinions please!

Well, it's disturbing enough, which is what you were going for, I'd guess. You didn't specify what sort of opinions you wanted, though. I think it's interesting work on a low budget.
First, I think an establishing shot would help. For the first few shots, I had no idea what I was looking at -- the context of where he was.

Why didn't he take his blindfold off?

The ending confused me.

Cheers, mate! Good job on your first film!
Thanks for the comments and advice.
Yeah, this is our first real short film so we're basically looking for opinions on anything, camerawork, cinematography, whatever we could improve really.
Well, we tried to do an establishing shot, but as we intentionally kept the location and pretty much everything else vague, we thought it might be better not to. Also, the fact that it's really in a basement of a house and an establishing shot of that might look a bit rubbish.
The blindfold's a good point actually, but we thought that if his hands are ruined by having nails in them, he wouldn't have much grip left in them, hence why he lifts the chair without using his hands.
and yeah, the ending's intentionally confusing, just like the rest of the film. The actual idea is that he dies and he smiles because of his defiance against his captors and ultimate defeat (in a way) of them.

but thanks for all the advice, we'll be sure to pay attention to them in future films