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watch Operation: Shadow Warhead l Short Film by Black Skull Digital

Hey everyone!

Just wanna share one of our works in our Youtube channel. It's our first short film made for our channel.

Operation: Shadow Warhead

Hope you like it! Any bad or good comments are welcome.

Cheers! :cool:

ah man... i liked this, this was like a call of duty version of ongbak without the fighting.

storyline is good just for this little short i dont feel it needs to be changed
Colouring is good aswell keep it as it is

add in a fight scene when the guy is outside
VFX he shot someone in the back of the head yet there was no exit wound..
those two body guards when they were holding the guy they were smiling and it wasnt an evil smile it looked like a camera shy smile, not good, they were too soft and needed to be more aggressive.

Voices: needed to be more direct and aggressive, bit too soft for me..

some of the shots went on a bit too long but were talking a 2-4 seconds

make it a bit more aggressive and youl have a fine piece..

OH YEAH!! make another one!!
yeah about the con's you are definitely right on that hehe. some of our actors a bit too shy to act seriously on cam since it's their first time :)

we also lack of cqc combat (but we're planning on making a new one w/ more cqc style) and we only shot that in 1 whole day. we lack of time so we didn't done the other scenes.

love your response about it, it's what we need really :D

thanks mate! sure, we'll make more. will post it here if it's done! wait for our next short film! :)