I just came across this website, OpenIndie.com, and thought it would be of interest to a lot of people here.
Here's what the site says about what they do:
It looks like it could be a great way to build and gauge interest in your film, and they don't take any rights or anything, so it's not like you're really risking anything by setting up a profile for your film.
(I'm not affiliated with the site in any way, just thought it was a good resource for those doing their own distribution.)
Here's what the site says about what they do:
OpenIndie is a site where anyone can discover films they’re interested in, request a screening in their area and put on a screening of any film on the site. Likewise, filmmakers can add their film to OpenIndie, and upload and promote their film via social media. We’ve developed this model with Co-Founder Arin Crumley’s experience of self distribution in mind and believe that this site can not only change the way that filmmakers distribute their films but also help make independent film production a sustainable enterprise. The key to OpenIndie is that anyone can screen any film!
It looks like it could be a great way to build and gauge interest in your film, and they don't take any rights or anything, so it's not like you're really risking anything by setting up a profile for your film.
(I'm not affiliated with the site in any way, just thought it was a good resource for those doing their own distribution.)