One of the biggest movies of 2008 is shot all on a Digital Camcorder.

The 5 minute clip was really a lot better than I expected. My first impression of Cloverfield (or 1-18-08 at the time) was of it being yet another mediocre teen horror/thriller/suspense flick with good marketing. The clip does make it look worthwhile though. :)

I'll still wait for some reviews, I want the movie to be good -- It's an awesome concept and it would be a shame to mess it up.
It should be interesting to see this film. If people don't like "shaky" camera moves, they're in big trouble!

-- spinner :cool:
I actually saw a concept drawing of the creature a couple weeks ago... It shows its scale next to the statue of liberty if I recall. Unfortunately, the site it's on is being migrated to a new server and is offline for the time being.. I'll post it here when the site comes back up.