One man CG animated film gets 2,700 theater release, then gets stolen

In 2005 I started work on a CG animated film for kids. I was partnered with a small local toy company but I made every frame of the film by myself. In early 2009 a miracle happened and we received a 2,700 theater distribution deal with MGM with a release date of October 7th 2009. In early June I went to sleep after working all night and awoke to a dark silent house. My "partner" had taken the film and all the equipment while I slept.

I posted a history and status of the film on the web site below. He took all my back ups but I posted some of the images I still have from the film to show you the quality of the production. All I want is to see the film finished and released but he has refused inspite of a contract he signed compelling him to return the film. This is the first time in the history of film that a one man movie received a major theatrical release. Blind greed killed the movie. His current "CEO" is a corporate lawyer with MCA who has flatly refused to honor any existing contracts. All I want is my film back and the freedom to release it.*

Check the link on the top of the page called "Help Save Freaky Flicker Movie". There are links to various news sites. If you can take a minute follow the links and suggest the Freaky Flicker film deserves coverage. I think pressure from public exposure is the only way to recover the film. I don't have the money to fight them so they have assumed I can't touch them. Going public really is my last hope. At least check out the images and I give a fairly complete backstory on how the film started and ultimately died. I hope you enjoy the stills and always remember the X-Files line "Trust No One". Sadly it's been my experience since one of my closest friends helped rob me for my directing credit. It's a sick world!




