OH, Wooster!

I may be getting a gig in Wooster, OH the week of July 24th.

Any of you Ohioans live in or near or around or even know where the heck this place is?

Maybe we could meet! :yes:
Not too terribly far from me Coot, maybe a 1 1/2 hour drive for me. It's southeast of where I live, Port Clinton, off SR 250. I haven't been there since high school debate team so it could be fun. :)
maybe I'll stay an extra day or two and hang out. It's cool you all are close!

What the heck should we do.....? hmmm......
Johnny and I will be at T-10 days or so from ending principle photography on "The Rapture" so we should be mostly recouperated by then. :) If we make Cleveland our meetup spot, Johnny knows many good things to do in his neck of the woods. And he loves to take people to the C&Y Chinese Restaurant- for good reason, the food is AMAZING! I could go for some of that, what about you?
I may not have a car. It might be something where I fly in, get picked up by a manager, go to client location for a few days, then fly home. But the nights I should be available and the last day is normally a half day. It all depends on the size of the client though. It could be a Mon-Fri gig. If that's the case, then I'd only have the nights open, but still no car.
coot,that's easy,either PJR (sonnyboo) comes and grab you before heading to C & Y or I'll make it down there to grab you. :)

And if you stay that weekend (Sunday) you get to come to our independent filmmaker's meeting as well. :)

Is this filmmaking related? does christina grozak involved on this?
It's business related.. I'm an IT consultant.. I get paid to Hack. And I'm M-F.. Can't stay through the weekend.

PJR picking me up! Cool!... it would be awesome to meet all of you.
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now, i'm just suggesting that pjr can drive up and grab you before heading to town :) if he can't then we can still grab you. :P
Alrighty everyone I have an Itinerary now.
I'll be dropping off someone at the Columbus airport Thursday 7/27.

I'll get a hotel that night if we can all hook up. I'll fly home Friday afternoon.

Maybe we can screen Horrors of War!!! Wooohoooo that would be awesome!
Columbus... or is Wooster a better location?
I'll also have a car and my flight isn't until 3:30pm on Friday. I just have to drop someone off at the columbus airport Thursday night.

I just saw that Cleveland and Columbus are about 3 hours away!

What would be the better place to meet, spend the night, etc?

I'm down for whatever.
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Woodster is the middle, if you come up to Cleveland, I think you get to meet more people that hangs out here :) hehe. U can always crash at my place if need to... We have to work out the details...

PJR, what do you think?
SonnyBoo... I'll have a car, so maybe I could pick you up...

Cleveland eh?

So I don't know where PJR lives, but right now to go to Cleveland this is what I'm looking at:

Thursday afternoon, take dude to Columbus airport. Then drive, what 3 hours, to Cleveland? Spend the night. Then drive back down to Columbus and fly out Friday.

Is it really 3 hours?

Let me know y'all. I'm down for whatever, really.
not 3 hours, 2.5 hours max, usually takes me 2 hrs, and if you do pick PJR up, you got someone to talk to in the car and it will be not that boring :) then we can meet here and hang out here etc.

Or, we can all just meet in Columbus :)

It's really how is best for you or PJR :)