Offering your movie for download

I noticed that most of the best virtual software synths and other music software are distributed as downloads directly via the software designer. They're not even sold via the usual retailer sites like , Zzounds , , etc. Apparently this system works if they don't use these distributors. You pay through their shopping cart then they send you a download link.

So how hard would it be to manually create a unique file name and send it to the purchaser to download within 24 hours after they purchase via No need to pay iTunes $750. No need to give away a huge chunk of profits to FlickRocket.
I think the problems here are twofold. First, is bandwidth. A full movie is going to take a couple gigs. For someone to download that, the hosting fees are going to be pretty hefty. A virtual synth in most cases is going to be a few megs. However, using an example over that, I use EastWest orchestral libraries. These days, you buy from them, they ship you a hard drive. That's sort of like you shipping physical dvds right now.

The other problem is, of course, advertisement. You get into itunes and you are exposed to a ton of potential customers (though no guarantee they'll find and/or be interest in you). If you're going totally indie, you have to actively pull people in.

Not to say any of this can't be done, of course. Technically, not to hard to pull off. But there are other benefits to wider distribution.