archived-videos October 31st deadline (OIF)

October 31st deadline (OIF)

Hello, I just got done making a 6 min music video clip for my unit (US Air Force). Its due in for a special event on Oct 31st. this is just an extra thing I did for my unit and just wanted some input/ideas. I really don’t have long to change anything so the sooner anyone can respond the better. Thanks for your help.

Background of the video: My unit is holding a family day where service members can bring there families to kind of give them a feel for what we do and how our day to day jobs effect the overall mission. So this video is actually made for the family members and will be shown on a projector. The video itself is in WMV format and is about 48Meg. The final format that will be shown is going to be on DVD though (MPEG-2 DVD).

Can’t wait to get some feedback.

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Looks really good. Did you get clearance to use those images and post them publicly? I'd hate to see supportive stuff get you in trouble. Makes me proud to be an American geek!
Wow. Very good use of still photography. You kept the pace of the video up with the music. Pretty good considering how little video you actually had. The double adjusted still moves are a good plan. Personally I agree with Knightly, i'm proud to be an american geek. To nitpick one thing, it looks like you are going all the way out to the edges of some of the photos. That may not be necessary for all of the snapshots. I also like how we actually got to see them both working and relaxing, that's something I never see juxtaposed. A nice human component.
Thanks for the feedback Roo. I’m glad you liked it. I really didn’t have much to work with as you can tell… its funny when you watch your own video you can spot glitches that no one else can…lol. The family day got postponed so I have more time to fix the video… I’ll try not to zoom all the way out with the pictures as you suggested. Also, when most people think of military members they think of big bad ass killing machines… I wanted to show, as you said, the human side of it… just kicking back and having fun… once again, thanks for your feedback.