cinematography Obtaining a 1.85 Aspect Ratio on a GL2

Hello, hello.

So how does a very low budget guy go about framing for a 1.85 aspect ratio on a Canon GL2? (yes, yes I am an SD relic I know...but it's not the tools it's how you use ' least that's what she said :yes:) I know this is something that could be handled in post, but I have a sinking feeling that if you mess up the framing during the shoot you could pretty much cause yourself some nightmares in post. So is there a quick and, um, "affordable" way I can frame my shots during production to give myself the best possible pictures that will get me to my goal of a 1.85 aspect ratio in my final print? Is there some sort of template I can fit in front of my GL2's (or insert any other camera here for anyone else who may be interested in this) lens to ensure that I frame properly for an eventual 1.85 aspect ratio? Thank you much.
Sorry for my smart-assness. The intent, of course, was for you to find the link that shows that the GL2 actually comes equipped with a "16:9 mode" -- it still records 4:3, but gives you these little red guide lines on your display.

Is there a reason you prefer to stay with SD? I don't know if a DSLR will fit your needs, but you could sell your GL2 on ebay for just about the same amount as a T2i will cost you, if not more. I actually turned a profit, switching from my Sony VX2100 to the T2i.
No need for apologies, I've been around these boards long enough to know you've got a great sense of humor.

I would really like to upgrade to something of an HD format but I am a married man with kids, a mortgage, day job and stuff like that. I have to justify most of my expenses to the committee, I mean wife. It took me forever to save and get the GL2 so I want to get a few projects in with it to learn my craft, make a few shorts, maybe get into some decent festivals. Then maybe I can be cleared for the "appropriations" to upgrade.

I would like to do this for a living, but it's all baby steps for me right now. Journey of a million miles stuff and SD is my first set of steps.

Thanks for the help. It will take me a long way as I will need to do other things almost close to perfect to compensate for my SD-ness to make the quality of movie I strive to make and to compete against some great minds out there.
GL is a pretty sweet camera, CF called it on marking the lcd or any bigger monitors you hook up. It's done all the time.

1.85:1 is technically a little wider than 16:9, but that mode is a good reference point.