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watch Nowhere Johnny Teaser - "Wander"

I think this is the best teaser so far. And there's music from an IndieTalk member, who is now the composer for this film. He saw my thread here on me wanting original music and contacted me. It is in this teaser trailer. This particular piece of music is more uplifting than what the movie really is like, which is dark, but it's a good piece of music for those bright bitter sweet moments. Enjoy it and the trailer as well. :cool:

Well shot and the editing of the trailer fitted the music fairly well. Good job.

Thanks a bunch. It's fun to do. ;)

What's the genre, is it a slow, gentle drama?

Quite the opposite. It's dark and kinda violent. I'd like to think it's neo-noir, but people have debated that. So I'll just say it's a crime drama with boxing, but a love story at the core of it. :D