Nikon D7000

I've been researching this camera for the past couple of days.
Anybody actually had their hands on one?
Anybody know if the HDMI out is uncompressed?

On the surface seems like an equal or better camera than the 7D for a slightly lower price. Uncompressed HDMI out would take it to WAY better.
Still digging, but looks like the live out is 720P and has the focus points, record light, etc on it. Possibly fixed by a firmware upgrade in the future, but nixes the idea of doing live capture if it's true. Most of the early reviews talk abotu it being "soft" comapred to the Canons.
I think it has a bit less moire and aliasing than the Canons. It also had a hot pixel problem that the newest firmware may have fixed.

I like the idea of it because I can use my Nikon lenses in full auto mode again. But, I have yet to actually touch the D7000.

The GH2 is cheaper and may have better image though, and better features. It's a close contest.

Both look good in low light.