Nikon 5100

I just wanted to see if anyone here had shot with this camera and what their thoughts were. I know their are cheaper options (and better more expensive ones) but I want to keep the ability to do decent stills as photography is a side passion of mine. I have read a million different reviews and seen it compared to different cameras but I would like to see what the community here thinks of it and if you have any recommendations of a comparable camera you have shot with (bearing in mind that I still would like to keep the ability to create decent stills)

What do you think?
I think the D7000 (which isn't much more expensive) is a better buy if you want to do video and stills. It's newer and I guess it has better video quality (I haven't used one personally), but the new Zacuto Shootout is using one. So you could check out footage there.

Pretty much any DSLR is going to do good stills. Personally, I'd get the Panasonic GH2 if it were me (I've got a GH1, and almost wish I'd saved up a little longer and bought the GH2).
Its really interesting, I find trying to satisfy both the needs of stills and Videos. It is hard because the priorities can be completely different. Realistically for stills I could for the time being shoot with even something as low as a 3100 but spend money on great glass and upgrade the body down the road or when a newer model comes out. But when looking at video it changed things.

I have been considering the Canon 60D i don't know know if you have any experience with it or where it would be considered a good buy? I like that it still keeps the LCD that can move and actually be a useful viewfinder when shooting video, I know that is something that the D7000 does not have.

The GH2 is a very cool camera for video for sure I have been reading up on it since you mentioned it. I don't think it provides me with everything I am looking for in a stills camera though. The reality is down the road I would like to get away from DSLR for videos and keep the cameras separate for each purpose but in the mean time I have to work with what I can afford.