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watch Night Sights

Hello all, this is my first post, but I promise its a good one.
Over the summer a group of kids from my school went and filmed this movie. It was written by another student and he also Directed it and is in the process of Editing it.
Please leave some comments, would like to hear what you think.
Thanks and Enjoy


A little background ( you dont have to read it if you dont want, I'm just providing it)

After losing his son, a grieving father stumbles upon a network of people that collect souls of the deceased, preparing them for their journey out of Purgatory.

Vasclobe Incorporated successfully launches a surveillance satellite called BAXTER into space.

RICH HADLEY, a PR rep for Vasclobe, returns home from a long day of work to find his wife JAMIE crying inconsolably over her lost child ROBBY while decorating the Christmas tree. She ignores his greetings.

The next evening after an awkward dinner with the family of three, Rich takes his dog ABBY on a walk in the nearby canyon. While on the walk, Rich discovers an ELDERLY WOMAN collecting strands of blue energy that spew from protruding mounds in the earth. The next morning he wakes up thinking it was a dream until he has obsessive flashes of the strange sight consistently throughout the day.

He returns the next night to see the phenomenon again and follows the collector deep into a forest where he discovers a massive blue vortex that spins the blue light strands into the sky.

People of all ages are gathered around, releasing the orbs of blue energy into the vortex. The energy turns into souls in the shape of loved ones long since deceased. Rich takes pictures, dumbfounded. Then he walks amongst the others who do not regard him as out of the ordinary. He looks up at the vortex and blacks out.

Rich wakes at his home with no recollection of how he got there.

He returns to the canyon and discovers more people gathering the blue energy from the protruding mounds. When the coast is clear, he tries to gather a strand of light. It explodes in a fiery ball. A cackling creepy man, LOU DEMOINE, brings Rich into his beaten-down van to explain the sights.

Rich follows Lou back to his shack where he learns that the strands of light are souls that have left Purgatory. They require a collector, usually a loved one during the time of their existence in Earth, to send them up to Heaven through the vortexes. Rich tells Lou that he recently lost a son, Robby. Rich has an epiphany that he may be able to find his son, see him one last time to have his closure and deliver him back to Heaven. Then he steals one of Lou’s maps, plotting the locations of many of these supernatural occurrences.

He returns home to Jamie and tells her that he is going to bring their son home. He neglects to mention how and leaves to wait for their son's soul to surface.

Meanwhile, the Baxter satellite has begun picking up strange anomalies.

One night while Rich is having his night sight, he stumbles into a camp of people that are advocate followers of the souls and vortexes. He meets a blonde woman named GRACE, who is an expert on the anomalies and has been following them her whole life. They sit and watch the collection of two souls, until Grace and her friends finally decide to help Rich find his son.

While staking out a prime spot to catch the night sight, Rich sees his wife, Jamie, approach a mound and gather a soul. He thinks this may be his son returning to him. It turns out to be Jamie's mother. Rich realizes his wife is suffering tremendous loss back at the house and he returns home to console her.

Scientists and military officials gather at Vasclobe to discuss Baxter's findings. They fear the anomalies may be extraterrestrial. They decide to take over a small town nearby to investigate.

Rich returns home after a long and uneventful stakeout, waiting for his son's soul. At home, he has a dream about Robby, remembering the events surrounding the accident that took his son's life. Grace shows up to tell Rich that the others were taken into custody by Vasclobe the previous night while they were staking out.

Rich uses his contacts at Vasclobe to enter the facility. He is questioned, but denies knowing anything about the vortexes. They lock him away with Grace's friends.

The scientists perform an experiment and witness a soul surfacing. A guard charges it, causing it to explode. Rich attempts to escape from the camp with the group and all of the others caught and being questioned. Lou reappears at the perfect time to rescue them and lets them out.

The scientists examine a lifeless body, discovering 21 grams disappear from the body at the moment of death. They understand it is a soul, and are overwhelmed with mystery.

Two years later, Rich and Grace and friends are still out hunting for Robby's soul. On a night Rich feels to be particularly special, he charges a soul before he gets the chance to know if it is Robby or not. It was not, and as a result he exploded someone's soul.

The others think Rich is reckless, so he breaks off from the group without telling Grace and continues the journey on his own. He sells all of his remaining belongings for food money and lives out of a church with other hermits, continuing his search for Robby every night.

He has a dream about Robby again, this time a sentimental flashback of times they shared when Robby was younger. The dream cuts out and immediately flashes to PALATIER, the director of Vasclobe with a team of researchers out in a field in the middle of the night. They begin to drill down into the earth and suck a soul out of the ground and into a small capsule. A computer screen reveals the souls DNA information and Robby’s name appears on the screen. Lou Demoine stands next to them overseeing the project, hesitantly. Rich wakes up frenzied and sets out.

Meanwhile, Lou is back at the experimentation center with Palatier and negotiates to let them release Grace whom they have used as bait to utilize Lou’s knowledge of soul collection. The scientists take the soul and place it in a testing canister where they begin to run tests.

Rich steals a car and drives to the testing center following his instinct. He shows up and again uses his Vasclobe identification to get inside the building. He reunites with Grace and Lou and enters the testing center where he confronts Palatier.

Rich tells Palatier about his entire journey to find Robby and convinces Palatier to hand over the canister and let him deliver his son. Palatier complies after feeling massive guilt and understanding the severity of the divine power he was meddling with. Then, Palatier discloses that Rich must hurry because the soul will burst into flame unless it is brought to the vortex by sunrise.

Rich speeds down the road with the canister and goes to the canyon where he saw the first vortex. He empties the soul into the vortex and watches as it transforms into Robby. He says his final goodbye and gets his closure. He watches with teary eyes as Robby ascends through the vortex into the heavens.