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NICE SHORTS - calling for submissions

Hi everyone,

We've just launched a short film website called Nice Shorts (www.niceshorts.com.au). We have over a hundred award-winning short films from all over the world. Come check us out! We are always on the lookout for new films so if you've got a short film, music clip, doco, animation, or trailer, send 'em our way.

Nice Shorts is FREE and non-exclusive, meaning you keep all rights to your film and are free to show your work elsewhere. We don't care, all we care about is being one of the many venues you can get your work out there.

We have also recently hooked up with the ninemsn network, where we choose 5 films from our roster every month and post them them onto the ninemsn website. Ninemsn currently has over 7 million viewers so it's a great opportunity for our filmmakers to get their films seen by an even bigger audience.


We are now calling for entries for our end of the year Nice Shorts Awards.

We accept films of any genre, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes.

Submitting a film to the Nice Shorts website is simple, fast, and best of all FREE. Log on, create a profile page, send us a link to your film or mail us a DVD copy, and we do the rest.

Any film that gets accepted into the Nice Shorts website between July to November 31, 2006 is automatically eligible to be nominated for our Awards Ceremony, which will be held on December 1, 2006.

To view our short films and submit your works click here: www.niceshorts.com.au

For enquiries, email us at nice.shorts@viocorp.com

Looking forward to seeing your films!

Carlo Ledesma
Nice Shorts
