Newbie here


My name is Jacintha and I just that second signed up to this site. I'm glad that I did!

Currently, I live in Fort St.John, BC. I have a very big interest for film, but mainly I am an aspiring director. I did not start out with that dream however, it was screenwriting that first caught my eye. I guess you can say writing has always come easy to me. At the age of twelve I won my very first writing contest and thought "hey, I can actually do this", so from there on out I expressed myself through words. Along the way I eventually picked up screenwriting and the more I wrote, the more I realized that although writing held a special place in my heart, it was directing that I was in love with. The truth is, I've never actually directed anything yet, but it's just one of those things that you know you'd be great at, you know? It's always been easy for me to picture images in mind, to read something and then visualize it. I know, directing consists of much more then that, but I am willing to learn. Afterall, even the greatest directors learn a thing or two from time to time.