Newb in the north

Hey there, interweb :)

I'm a total newbie to indie film, up in Liverpool, UK. I've done a lot of still film photography (Zenit 35mm SLRs and Leningrad light metering) and a bit of digital SLR work (old Canon D30, not new 30D!), but new to the moving image, which me and my partner are working on together. We are starting out very simply doing a few one off skits recreating some short scenes, and hoping to move on to do a web series, which my s/o has had a concept kicking around for some time that she has wanted to do. In the longer term we are hoping to work on some larger projects, but one step at a time! Our main concern is in laying out sets to create the false impression of professionalism, and in good editing technique.

Right now we have very basic equipment, mainly a Canon MD-205 miniDV camcorder, which we chose as the best system we could find with limited knowledge for under £50 that offered a separate mic input, 16:9 format and half decent glass lens and optical zoom. For audio we are using an HTDZ shotgun mic, which we are making a home-made boom for. At the moment the MD-205 is using a Miranda tripod normally used for my SLRs. For lighting we use clamp on and anglepoise lamps and wax paper for diffusion. Our editing software is CyberLink Power Director 7 Deluxe running on an IBM ThinkPad X series, which is handy as they have built in firewire ports.

We have done a few videos in the past on YouTube, just using a very basic Creative Labs VADO "pocket camcorder".

My own channel can be found here. It's not updated at the moment, as uni work keeps me from getting behind the screen much - I study Egyptology, not media!

My partners channel can be found here, and is much more active, though we tend to work together fairly often. She loves her americana every bit as much as I love all things pharaonic :)

So that's me (and, indeed, us). All the best from the north!