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New video, photo and design BLOG

Like the look of the showreel, although I need to give it a proper watch when I have more time, also you have a spelling mistake in your web address, not nitpicking or being nasty haha just thought I would point it out just so you know!
Also I would definitely suggest some behind the scenes videos for the blog, lets people see what you have been up to, and how you get the end product!
Thanks for the comments about the reel guys! Really appreciate it :)

Behind the scenes is definitely a good idea, I've been preparing a few videos and bts photos that I'm planing on posting. Thanks for the tip.
And the web adress seems to be fixed now ;)
Went to the site and love "Placebo"... hate experimental film, but you kept me riveted with this little story vignette. Great neo-1930s german cinema feel to it too.