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watch New video about the connection with YouTube and the viewers!

Deleted this post, not because of the guy underneath me, because I thought this site would be.... better than this.

I might post something else another time!
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Feedback would also be appreciated!
Mic's too far away.
Echoes in a five flat walled room are pretty bad.
Soundtrack's about 5dB too loud.

I got nothin' useful to contribute about a young man pouring out his heart for >4min for the world to see.
Hope this doesn't bite you on the @ss twenty years from now. ;)

"They put this on the internet for everybody to see?"
"They're teenagers, man. They're really stupid."
I don't have a mic.
You think you know what you're on about, but, you don't.
I've been doing YouTube for 2 years, probably my only video that I 'pour my heart out' in.
Thanks for the urr... video that I'm not going to watch.

Anyways, thanks for the comment and I will keep doing what you hate and I love! Wicked!

- James
I don't have a mic. I can hear you. That means you have a mic. And you need to be probably half the distance you are in that video for the mic to work "best".
But it's your show.
I thought you wanted feedback to make your productions better.
Halving the distance will make your production better.
Changing recording space locations proly isn't going to happen, is it?

Cool. Very.

You think you know what you're on about, but, you don't. Agreed. As long as your parents still love you all is good. :yes:

Anyways, thanks for the comment and I will keep doing what you hate and I love! Wicked!
It's a big world out there full of beautiful people. :cool: