New to film sound..!!

I've been a recording engineer and live sound engineer for years now, I've recently become very interested in film sound and have been exploring the classifieds for this type of work. I realize I have to basically start from scratch as I have little knowledge as to how things get recorded on a set. What I need is help in what a basic recording set-up is like. What if any of the tools and equipment I already own I can use for film. ( Mics etc.. that i use in recording ). And finally what should I be looking for in the classifieds to gain experience so that I can eventually take these crew gigs myself. ( should I be looking for PA work or something other I'm unaware of.
I believe post is where I would eventually end up, but since I have very little or no experience in film I would have to start from production sound. In my studio I've been doing mostly mixing the last few years so I am familiar with that aspect. But mixing dialog and whatever else would be new to me. I believe I would do that well. If i could jump right into post and get experience I would, but I believe I should get out on the field and record from scratch as to better understand the whole process. It would only help me in the studio during mixing.
Production audio and post audio are two very different fields and require very different equipment. And both require you to divorce yourself from the "music" mindset. You don't necessarily have to know production sound if you want to get into audio post, or vice versa. I know, I started as a touring musician and then did music engineering before migrating to audio post.

The place to start is . It's a place to begin your research.

If you're doing post most of your mics and other gear will be useful at some point. Production sound requires very specific mics, recorders, etc. The key to production sound is no coloration, which is the opposite of music.

Some books for you to get:

The Sound Effects Bible - Ric Viers

Sound Design - David Sonnenschein

Dialogue Editing for Motion Pictures - John Purcell

The Foley Grail - Vanessa Theme Ament

There's a lot more, but these form the core of your book learning. You'll also want to participate in sound-for-picture forums like Sound_Article_List and Sound_Design on Yahoo and Jeff Wexlers production sound group. You can PM me for more forums.
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I really appreciate the info. It's something I've really been considering and your info seems like a really good starting point. I will look into these resources and hope I can count on you now and again for some more info. Thanks again....!!!