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New services to aid self-publishing and eBook retailing

Hello to everyone at Indietalk.com!

Editionguard.com, a leading provider of digital tools for e-book retailing, is pleased to announce the launch of our newly enhanced suite of services along with a brand new website which have been redesigned to assist authors, publishers and eRetailers to store, manage, sell and protect their published works easier, faster and with greater control over profits. Simply pick and choose the tools you want to use and you’re up and running in no time.

Build upon Adobe’s robust Content Server platform, EditionGuard offers new, easy-to-implement solutions that eliminate the many barriers traditionally associated with setting up and managing eBook retailing. Now, anyone can easily become a professional eBook retailer, whether you’re publishing the works of a single author or 1,000.

Interested in learning more about how to maximize your eBook sales? Come check us out at editionguard dot com (edited to prevent crawlers). And while visiting us, please let us a note as we'd also love to hear how we can further enhance our new services and website to serve you even better as we mover forward.

Best regards,

The EditionGuard team!