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watch New Production Company, New Music Video...

Hello there. This is the first video I have directed under the guise of my new production company "DeadStarFilm". We are based Dorset, in the UK, as was the artist who performed this song, and it was shot on location in Winchester on a quiet Sunday afternoon...


Feedback would very much be appreciated, as it is my first work of this type. Also, I realise the video is quite dark, but that has nothing to do with the original edit. The copy on my PC looks fine both on the monitor and on a TV, so I have no idea why it has ended up that way on Youtube. However, it is considerably better in the HD version.

If you have the time please rate and leave feedback on the original video, and also visit the artist's site, he really was a great guy to work with, and has done some great songs.

Thanks for viewing!
Beautifully shot.

I like how everything to the sides of the frame seemed just a bit out of focus. Gives it a dream-like quality. How'd you achieve that effect?
Ha. Via the magic of After Effects.
I used Magic Bullet in After Effects for some of the snazzy visual effects. Tried not to overuse it, but I think in parts I may have done. Everything else was done in-camera though.