New PBS Documentary Follows Muslim American Comics

I had to let you know about this wonderful documentary PBS is airing on May 11th as part of their Crossroads series. STAND UP: Muslim American Comics Come of Age is a hilarious and enlightening look at an unexplored area of comedy. These impressive comedians utilize their craft to bring to light issues of racism surrounding Muslim and Arabs in the wake of 9/11. Each comedian is quite different in terms of their background and experiences but what brings them together is their truly worthwhile cause. It's amazing how clear the message can when the medium is entertaining, human and unifying. I've worked with PBS on the program and have found it to be a really rewarding experience. I hope you guys are able to check it out.
Comedy Central did something like this and called it the "Axis of Evil Tour", I think. It was hilarious. I'll have to make a point to watch this on PBS. I am sure it will be enlightening...

-- spinner :cool:
Yeah - I saw the 'Axis of Evil' special too - it was a hoot.

STAND UP airs at 10PM ET but I would definitely check local listings to be sure.

The comedians are really impressive - particularly one woman who refers to herself as "a Palestinian Muslim woman virgin with cerebral palsy from New Jersey" - she's a riot and her story is inspiring...
They're pretty great, huh? Glad you had a chance to check it out. Really awesome group of people doing really meaningful work. And damn are they funny! I'm definitely keeping my eyes open for their individual tour dates.
The Crossroads series as a whole, as I've said, has been great to work on - it's really cool bringing people's impressive stories to light.