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watch New movie Teaser: Seven Days

Hi, lately I've been working on a movie teaser. The screenplay is still not final. Since it's my first movie I would like to have some comments about the indie talk community. I've been lurking for a long time but now i decided to get out of my basement :)

here it is, any comment is welcome
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Very interesting, not enough action for a teaser in my opinion.

The setting and the way you have shot it certainly draws you in though.

So it's a horror film right? Perhaps some more scary aspects could be used to intrigue the audience.

But I did like it, good job.
The text seems a little awkward and inefficient. A lot of screenwriters that arent filmmakers put trailers out like this to promote their specs. Too static for my taste.
Cut the test screen and lengthy intro slate. Getting right to the gist will cut the complaints. As suggested, rewrite the text. You need one more "POW" shot to tack on the very end to complete it. Go film it -- I suggest a close-up of an eyeball rolling on the floor or something of that nature. :)

Good luck.