New MN Feature Film

The lowdown-

All he wants is a date. That's it. Nothing serious, nothing terribly substantial (at least, not yet) - just a simple date. But Gary has hit a small streak of bad luck - three years and counting. To him, being rejected by women is as inevitable as gravity itself. Now he sets his sights on Lindsay, a friendly door hostess at the local pub. Will she be the woman who finally gives him a chance at romance, or will she be just one more name to add to his list of rejections? With the help of his best friend Eric, and Roach, an old college buddy, he intends to find out.

All she wants is an adult relationship. Not yet ready for marriage, but long past the point of casual sex, Samantha is learning that her two-year relationship with Keith is going nowhere fast. Her mother thinks it's time to move on, and her friend Tina is more than willing to introduce her to new men. But does Sam really want to throw herself to the wolves and subject herself to an onslaught of idiot men? Keith might not be the answer, and being alone isn't much of an option, but is it worth it? All of those jocks, all of those fools, all of those dimwitted hormones with legs -- all of that -- just for the small chance that she might actually meet a man with a brain?

You think war is hell? Try dating.

For more info:
Hey there.. sounds like an interesting (and ambitious) project. I'm actually surprised I hadn't heard anything of it previously, being an active Minnesotan filmmaker, but anyhooo... I am interested in talking to you more about it, and perhaps helping get you pointed in the right direction to find funding and whatnot. At the very least I'd be interested in helping the production in some capacity -- any really, I live and breath filmmaking, and would rather put in long hours on someone elses set than .. well not to I guess.. :)