New IMAC capable of handling HD Video Editing?


I was in an Apple Store recently and mistakenly asked for some candid feedback about which way to go regarding editing an HD documentary, and of course the young "evangelist" was steering me towards the latest high end I-mac ($3,500 tricked out for video). I was demo'ing this machine in the store and quite honestly, it seemed a little glitchy.

Has anyone edited an HD VID documentary on one of the newer high end I-MAC's in Final Cut Pro? Or does one generally need to be looking at a Pro Tower to edit an HD Documentary?

Appreciate the Feedback.

Obviously more power won't hurt, but even the cheapest iMac will be more than adequate for HD video editing.
Speaking from experience, I purchased an imac a few months ago.

quad core i7 processor with 8 gigs of ram. It's not even the new imac that just hit the market either.

I edit HD canon t2i footage all the time and I never had a hiccup. I use CS5 though, not FCP.

But yeah, I import footage, NEVER render and edit in full HD resolution and never had any problems. Smooth as ever.

I'm a happy customer and it makes my life easier!
The latest iMacs are more powerful than mac pros from just a couple years ago... and I've been editing HD on a macbook pro for the past three years and it's not even close to either in terms of performance. The reality is HD just isn't a real challenge for any modern mac.
Interesting feedback, thank you. Would really love to edit this thing on a laptop, but don't want the performance limitations to hinder future possibly more demanding editing projects.

Thanks again!
I've edited full HD in Final Cut Pro on an iMac Core 2 Duo (2GB RAM), a Macbook Pro 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo (4GB RAM), and my current iMac i5 quad-core (16GB RAM). FCP always ran smoothly, with just an occasional hiccup on the older iMac. However, the problem has never been the computer, but my cheap external hard drive. Get a decent RAID, like maybe one from G-Technology.