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New Horror Teaser

The day for night didn't work for me. Next time, don't show the sky. Or shoot it at night. You could also single out the sky, and do a color correction on it. I don't really understand the point of this teaser. It doesn't tell us much about the film, and it doesn't make me want to see it. I know that it's about taking a shortcut home. That's it. The title says as much as the teaser does. It felt like you went outside with a camera, and walked around. Then you threw some color correction, titles, and music on quickly, and posted it on youtube. I hope the film turns out well, but I am not fond of the teaser.
Thank you for your feedback
The point of the teaser was exactly this.. I wanted critical opinion on a test shot so we can make alterations before its too late. It was meant to raise awareness of the project and generate momentum.
What you saw was a test shot, an example of the pov style we will be using. I appreciate your criticism because it will help us make a better final film.

The film will be much improved due to your suggestions and I hope you will like the final cut once its finished.
Thank you.