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watch New filmmaking tutorials

I have been working on some tutorials on basic film making, and is planning to make more. I have made two, so far: one covering 3 point lighting, and one covering the vertigo effect.



Please let me know what you think. What can be better in future episodes sugestions for subjects etc...

Best regards

PS: Check also out the other stuff on the page like our free stuff, and blog, and leave a coment :)
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This is incredibly well made, very clear, instructive and easy to follow!

Thank you so much for doing those tutorials! I'd love one on white balance correction and color grading.
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Those were both very well done.

Nice camera work.
Excellent voiceover quality.
Fill score didn't compete with the VO instruction.
Cogent planning of the instructions.

Congratulations, Daniel.
I know flash is really convenient, but I can't watch them on my machine due to its age (1 to 2 FPS and while downloading, my browser is completely unresponsive, and I'm part of your target audience) - although I'd love to upgrade, it's not happening for a while - so I'll simply state, I'm glad your'e choosing to contribute to the education out there... and other folks like it so it must be good :)