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watch NEW DAZE - Edgar Wright Inspired Short Film

Evening. I'm a fifteen year old amateur British film maker, and after many months of writing 60-page scripts for films that never even got started, I decided to write something on a very small scale. The script for "New Daze" was only 20 pages long and I tried to make it very "do-able", by only have two main characters and by having the film take place predominantly in one location. After several filming sections spread out over almost two weeks, the film was finished.

I think it is by far the best thing I have ever done. For the first time, I have really thought about the film visually. I have taken a lot of influence from Edgar Wright (can you tell by the frequent use of whip transitions?). I really wanted to make it so the entire film just flowed, with dialogue from the ends of certain scenes running into the beginning of new scenes, or a character walking from one location into another. The film is mostly influenced by Wright's TV series "Spaced", by using the same blend of slice-of-life and surrealist humour. There are many other references and homages throughout the film, but I cannot be bothered to talk about them all. There is more about the production of the film on the Helium Cow Films blog.

So I would love to get some feedback on New Daze and see what you all think! Please do not be too harsh on the film - obviously, I was working with numerous limitations and I had to use the only people I could persuade to act for me, and they are by no means actors.

But yes, I would love feedback.

New Daze (Part One)
New Daze (Part Two)