New Camera... Sony HC40?

im gonna use my x-mas money to get a new camera. what do you think would be the best camera for making movies for about 520$

i am really leaning towards the sony handycam DCR-HC40, anyone know if its good or if theres something better for the same price?
Save up some more, you'll be glad you did.

If you could possibly wait until you have some more dough, I would at the very least save up for a Panasonic PV-GS120, which is the most affordable broadcast quality 3CCD camera available.

I mean, the HC40 does have a mic input and an a/d converter, but that's about it (the PV-GS120 has these things as well). It's picture quality is nowhere near broadcast (according to CamcorderInfo), so if you're serious about filmmaking, you'll wind up buying another camera and probably not even using this one in the future.

Whereas with the PV-GS120, you will also most likely buy another camera, but because of its 3CCD system, you can definately use it as a backup.

So, have patience and save up $699 (or less if you look for a Buy It Now pro kit on eBay). The extra cash will go a long way.

For more info, here's Panasonic's PV-GS120 page.
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i got alot more money for x-mas, i now have $850 dollars. are there any other 3ccd or broadcast quality cameras that are in this range? does a camera have to be 3ccd to be bradcast quality? i really dont want to go over that price though. i dont see any cameras better than the panasonic pv-gs120 for 850 or less, should i just get the panasonic and a new mic maybe? what do yall recommend?
ok i just went to the store and they have a panasonic PDVD953 open box camera for $919. do you guys know if it would be worth it to get this? or would i be better off getting the gs120 and a new mic?

this pdvd953 looks real nice, but they said it is no better then the gs120 except for taking pictures (which i dont need) and its easier to hold. the pdvd953 is a camera that has been discontinued, anyone know why? or if i should stay away from a camera thats been discontinued. i want to make my decision by tonight so reply fast please
its been discontinued because Panasonic updated it with the PV-GS400. honestly, id go with the GS120 and mic. remember, you can get the GS120 brand new in a pro kit on eBay (Buy It Now available) with a ton of accessories like lenses and filters. several people on these forums have purchased these kits and pretty much all the pro kit sellers have a 98-100% satisfaction rating.
i have $550 credit to circuit city so i have to get it there. do you know anything about the pdvd593? are u sure you'd go with the 120? it seams so small and shakey. damn decisions are too hard... any other camera with 3ccd's under $950? or would a canon optura xi be broadcast quality? i have seen it for 900
the xi is only a one ccd camera, so no it won't be broadcast quality, especially with HD hatching. the PV-DV953 is a great camera. what u should do is ask the circuit city guy for the size of the 953's ccds. i know the 120's are 1/6" so if the 953's are larger, then go with the 953. its basically down to whichever has the larger ccds.