new and after feedback about film school


this is my first post on the boards. I'm a 33 yr old female from sydney, australia.
recently i've been thinking about gooing to film school. however most of the info i find about schools seems to centre on the US.

i've been looking into Participate film academy in sydney, but i'd love some feedback from someone else as to what they think.

you can find it here

Welcome. There are tons of threads about film schools on this forum :). You should search, and definently check them out. I'm not too familiar with that film academy; there are tons of them here in the U.S. They claim to offer you the same education that a film school gives you.. The real question is, what exactly are you trying to get from this experience? There are alot of intellectual, very experienced film makers on these forums that will be glad to assist you.
Welcome! I'm new, as well. I think the big advantage to film schools in CA is the location. I went to school out here, and you really do get to meet a lot of people. I was able to get on many different production sets, since there seems to be something happening all the time. The program you're looking into seems pretty good, too. What is it you're looking to get into?