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watch New, 1.5 minute comedy short

Not bad. My commentary (opinion):

-The pacing feels a tad slow. Some of the dialogue could have been cut out and it would have improved the short. I bet this could have been a 30-45 second skit.

-The female actor's recorded voice seemed too soft compared to the male actor (differing mic positions?). I would have upped the volume of the female actor in post so that the volume of both actors were better balanced out.

-The small bits of VFX were a nice touch. As this is a comedy, the cheezyness actually adds to the effect!

-The actors themselves played their parts well.

I hope you find this feedback valuable, and good luck

Oh... and I liked this video from you guys... I think I'll take a browse through your channel :)
Yes, I found your feedback very helpful, particularly the sound level comment... I will now go back through and listen to it, to see how different they are, and take measures to prevent that with my next short