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Need someone to help me develop a screenplay

Hi there, I am looking for someone to coorperate with and help me develope a screenplay.
I am making a 1 minute long silent film and I need someone to share my screenplay with, help me develope ideas and build the story.
I am giving credits in the film I will make and I can help you out with some of your screenplays maybe.
Let me know if you are interessted! :)
Sorry if I didn't understand your message very well..:( Does it mean you need a story for a one minute movie and then some more short screenplays?

I just need someone to work with when I do the writing, that can give good and critical feedback on what to improve and come with suggestions. You will be getting credit for the screenplay aswell :)
At the moment I am working on a one minute silent film, that will have focus on visual.
I need someone to work with so I can achive a good script for the film and idea :)
I suggest you just post your work here and people will pull it apart. If you give them credit all the better. That way you can get a variety of feedback.
I agree with you, but if 300 people send feedback and he gives credit to each one, it would look a bit funny. I mean, the script's title, followed by 300 names and then the screenplay itself. But yes, I watched movies where 3-4 persons were given screenplay credit(ok, one of them was the actual producer or the main actor). Like I said, your idea is good. Post here and let's comment...(it would be a 1 page script that could easily fit into a single forum post)
Learn screenwriting

If you looking for an help for screenwriting tutorials to learn writing your screenplay, there are are lots of stuffs over there if you really think so, first of all should have a concrete idea to get screened your script.
you must have definite structure of your screen play. Thrre are lot of free screenwriting tutorials, check these out.

free screenwriting tutorials