Really go back and check punctuation. I'm not an edit nazi, but you're missing some commas in some places and adding them where they should be periods in other places. It trips the flow of your sentences.
I get to page 10 and still nothing of interest has happened. I mean the guy basically scratches his crotch. Probably he got crabs from one of his 'escorts'.
The pacing seems rather slow. It takes twelve pages to show that Mason is obsessed with escorts, Christine is slutty and looking to score in the workplace, and Dan is, well, equally flat. The characters all seem rather flat and lifeless. I don't have a sense of what this film is about or the nature of the problem.
Format-wise, just a couple points. You only need to capitalize the name when it's used the first time. Once the actor has spoken, you can drop the capitalization. Also, when Mason is on the phone with the prostitute (Britanny), you should put (O.S.) after her name since she is Off-Screen and only heard over the phone. Also, how did Britanny find his house? All he said was "on the corner of 17th and Main". Most intersections have 4 corners.
What is the point of this film? Watching this guy spend the first 12 minutes basically rubbing himself everytime he sees a pretty body isn't particularly tantalizing. Personally, I would suggest tightening it up. The first 12 pages should probably only be 5-8 pages. One way to do that would to scratch the bar scene and make it a phone conversation between Dan and Mason.
The film may have a good idea behind it, but the first 12 pages don't grab me. Christine obviously has an important role but that needs to be brought out sooner rather than Mason's repetitive crotch scratching.
Alot of the dialogue is chit-chat. Cut it down to the essence so that it is purposeful and drives the scene. The dialogue between Mason and Christine (pp. 3-4) and Mason and Dan (pp. 7-

could be tightened. I would make the Mason/Dan bar scene into a phone scene that is interrupted when Britanny arrives. This would condense the scenes and move along the pace of action.
Hope that helps.