Need Massive Help!


So, I'm from Ireland and recently the Irish Mental Board released a competition for Mental Health. We have to make a short film from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to do with Mental Health. The prize is 2,500 Euro! We have an idea for it already, We are calling it Chrysallis and it starts with the camera black and white moving back in a corridor. Then a completely black room, an actor turns on a flashlight onto their face and a voice over says words people relate mental health death, suicide, and as we move on the scene gets brighter and the words become more optimistic and at the last one the person says Life. and smiles.

I have another idea about doing it on Schizophrenia, and you could make it interesting, do you have any interesting ideas on how to go about Schizophrenia, or any tips on my first idea?
You should do a video all about Freud doing lines of cocaine off his patients' stomachs...

No.. but in all seriousness, I liked the first idea that you mentioned. I'd stay away from schizophrenia because most people really don't understand what it is and it's often depicted inaccurately.
Nasty cliche's

Hi there,

You're project may have come and gone but I'll throw in my two bits a a psychiatrist anyway. The enemy of any art is cliche, and the idea of mouths sewn shut could fall into that category. Furthermore, it is a particularly negative stereotype of the experience of psychiatric illness that, even though things brighten by the end of your short as planned, is still so unrealistic as to the experience of even a psychotic illness that that it may be so inaccurate as to be unhelpful.

Let me know how it goes,

Cheers from Melbourne.
The message we are trying to get across is not on that level but more on a Its not healthy to bottle things up and the sewn mouthes represent not telling anybody your feelings, a problem very present in todays society.