Need Marketing Info?

Hello, we are looking for some filmmakers or companies who are distributing their material. To market your film you need marketing money. You also need to write a marketing plan. I want to help anyone out with some marketing techniques so if you have any questions please feel free to ask them in this thread. And if anyone has a film they are at least in production right now and are looking for an advertising resource send me a message. We are planning a campaign around October-November of 2010 and would love to have you with us. If you email me I'll send you the right info.

But for now if you have any questions about marketing ask...

I'll start it...

TV marketing - Believe it or not, local TV marketing is cheap! To successfully pull of a TV campaign you need to have at least $10,000 for the campaign. The general rule of thumb, let's say you have a horror film and your target audience is men who stay up late, the cost is usually around $5 for every 1,000 viewers for Local broadcast. So for $10,000 you could put your trailer in front of 2,000,000 people. now if you have a great website, trailer, and artwork, hopefully your purchase percentage would be around 1%. Because TV marketing is a way of indirect marketing (not everyone viewing it likes scary movies or is looking to purchase a movie) the percentage is lower than let's say internet marketing where someone has to go out of their way to click an ad.

So 1% of the people who viewed your trailer is going to buy. That's 20,000 sales. Your profit for this would be around $300,000. Now 1% is a lot so dont get your hopes up but hopefully that's what you could achieve.

Now you combine TV with Internet, and radio ads and spend $70,000 your gonna sell some movies as long as your trailer is done well and artwork is awesome.
