Need help with tinting and atmosphere


I am in the process of making a short 5-7 long film which will invoke human emotions. It is a very depressing movie that will rely on nothing but human emotion. I want my film to have that dark/gloomy/blue tint to it yet I am unaware how to accomplish this. Could anyone assist me in this?
You're using FCP, Premiere? You can do it either way - mixing FCP with color or FCP/Premiere with After Effects.
I'd say go with AE- play with the rgb curves to get some nice white & black, work on the other ones as well. Check levels and increase or decrease whites and black - you can make sure that they dont clip there. Also, last but not least - contrast.
If you want the colors to go down - push saturations as low as you desire - this one is quite easy and looks really smooth in three way color corrector in FCP.