need help with this. Is this a trick??

I go on a UFO/ Paranormal forum. Someone posted this and Im pretty sure its a "Drop Object" or a composted object.

But im not a professional editor. here is the orriginal wmv of what to me looks like a toy french poodle being pulled across the floor. The story is, This persons security camera caught it while they were gone and they freaked out and uploaded it to some other paranormal website. <-- orriginal vid <--- my version of it, cropped.

8 frames of a close up of the object as its dashing across the floor.




If you look at frame one, the pixles seemed all uniformed but after that it looks like small pixles on large ones. Is this a way to tell the object is fake? or do some cameras do this naturally? I understand about how MPEG format uses 16 blocks in each frame and that they dont change until something moves is front of them.

explain this as simply as you can so I can relay this to the guys at the site. Its kind of funny watching the object move in front, and for the most part I dont believe in the paranormal, but creepy things do happen. this thing seems to be casting a shadow on the floor. :lol:
I think you may be over thinking this...looks like a toy dog on wheels being pulled by thread. The apparent pixel density discrepancies are easily explained away by the compression dealing with areas of motion. Looks like a cheap webcam to me. If I make a loud sudden noise in a library, people jump...same psychology in practice here.

Or it could be the chupacabra...ask poke...he's seen one.
it might be an RC car with some 'robe', aliens will not wear robes and running around, besides, after gong frame by frame (yea, got nothing to do), the 'object' doesn't move, it's like it's a solid object that 'runs' through, usually, due to any objects that actually have 'legs' and move, their body would 'swing' from side to side because of the gravity and to be able to balance itself.

I think this is a little hoax :)
i was just trying to prove it might be a composited object over a recording of the room. and I did think it was a toy poodle being pulled on a string but I also noticed the pixles changing a bit as if they're layered on one another.

BTW, the only videos I have ever believed might be alien in nature are the videos from NASA from the space station or the shuttle. Like objects moving in very fast, and turning 180 degrees and shooting off. You cant say theyre all space debri effected by the shuttles external engines.

but Ill leave that to another forum :)
There is one thing I noticed about this video... When you play it back in a loop. You'll notice that the light in the kitchen gets dimmer than at the beginning.

I don't think there's a string... it looks more RCish to me.

There would have been a lot of work to composit it.. I mean the refraction in the bottle on the table...

And that bottle seems strange to me... Why is it there when the rest of the place seems to be in order?
Space Station Videos?

King Goldfish said:
BTW, the only videos I have ever believed might be alien in nature are the videos from NASA from the space station or the shuttle. Like objects moving in very fast, and turning 180 degrees and shooting off. You cant say theyre all space debri effected by the shuttles external engines.

but Ill leave that to another forum :)

I have never heard of these videos and am very very interested. If this is anywhere near as strange as the "actual" EVP recordings, I'm going back to drinking!

jmac5000 said:
I have never heard of these videos and am very very interested. If this is anywhere near as strange as the "actual" EVP recordings, I'm going back to drinking!


If i find them Ill post them here. You never seen the NASA videos of objects moving into the atmosphere (from space) then you see a white flash and the object turns and takes off while something seems to chase it that was shot from earth?

But there iare many videos where objects enter earths atmosphere then stop and hover then slowly turn and go back out into space. Some scientist say the outer part of the atmosphere is like water, objects will bounce and skip off of it. This is true, but to deflect off of it and go back in the direction it came from seems funny.
don't forget this is windows media player, so pixelation might be possible due to encoding artifacts, when there is a fast moving object, the encoder will have to process a bit more to encode those frames and so pixelation will occure.

Compositing it might be difficult, let say it was a green screened object, then you would see some 'edge noise' because it was shot in a low light environment, if you are talking about adding this into the frame, then there's a problem when the object moves toward the coffee table.
its weird how it just looks like a black cloud in the stills but in the video its very defined and solid looking.

And whats with the bottle of prune juice? :huh: :lol: :blush: